Sometimes we have to choose to play it safe or take a risk.
I chose to get out of my comfort zone. I was safe tucked away in a baby cocoon literally. I was a brand new, sleep deprived mom finally finding some normalcy. I decided to take the risk because after a year and a half hiatus it was time to go in or get out. To be honest with you, I was petrified! All of the reasons that led me to pack up my supplies began to distract me again. And we all know that haunting feeling of failure but was I ready to fail twice. Surely there were easier safer ways to ease back into things. There were times I wished I hadn’t signed up for this darn pop-up. I felt really anxious and overwhelmed BUT I was determined to make it happen.
So what happened after that?
Well, a few things happened after my first pop-up.
I sold some of my beautiful candles.
I started doing more shows.
I’ve learned much more about candles and owning a business. And I’m negotiating my first wholesale order!
And you know what? None of that would be happening if I didn’t have the courage take that risk.
The reason I'm sharing this with you today is that I want you to know that big dreams take a lot of work, and often requires us to push ourselves past our comfort zone. If I can do this, so can you!
Is there a risk you've taken in the past or thinking about taking now that requires you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone? Let's do this together!